Hi, I'm Conga Lyne! I got into game design when I was a little kid after getting hooked to "make your own game" websites like Sploder and Everybody Edits. Minecraft and Terraria soon followed by TF2 with it's hammer map editor and various other games where I learnt how to code from there.
I like making things. This is my first adventure into HTML however, so forgive the sloppy design. It'll hopefully improve a year or so from now.
I like playing things too however, so here's some games I like
Noita A hardcore action roguelike where every pixel is simulated.
Ragnarok Online A classic MMORPG, I currently play on the private server linked here.
Minecraft Beta 1.7.3 Back when it was a survival game/chatroom instead of a sandbox.
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Friends! (until I figure out how to implement a sidebar)