Digital Log
A simple place where I store how I feel in the moment.
Think of it like a dumping ground for my spontaneous thoughts and emotions
28/01/2025 - Locke & Key
I just remembered an old show I watched ages ago called Locke & Key, I don't think it took off to too big an audience if memory serves right but it was an absolute banger!
It was sick as hell, it kept me on edge and the story telling was awesome in it!
Easy recommendation for anyone who's looking for something to watch.
That aside life's been slow this week, I got sick and I'm stuck coughing my lungs out, I feel like I want to do more work and feel disappointed in myself that i'm not doing more of it.
I feel like I want a break from day to day life I spose but it won't magically make itself happen.
Anyways back to drinking hot soup and slowly recovering!
22/01/2025 - Game Development
Game development is a massive pain hahaha, or rather a lot of work I should say.
I thought my game would be finished after a single easy year of development but apparently not, I'm not sure if it's half way finished but I want to say it is to boost my confidence.
There's a lot of unexpected bumps I learned about the hard way, the biggest one being team morale, keeping people happy and enthusiastic to do the things you want is trickier than I thought.
Things are moving though, steadily, and I love listening to Ken Ashcorp while working.
There's not a lot to get off my chest onto an internet blog when seas are smooth sailing so hopefully I won't need to touch this in a while in that sense.
1/1/2025 - New Years
This is probably going to lean into one of those more philosophical depressing posts, but before that, HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!
I like celebrating these events, with that out of the way though here's today's actual log post.
The world I'm in now isn't one I thought I'd be growing up into.
Everything feels so dead, everyone feels devoid of passion and more than willing to accept something that's just good enough.
I miss being around people who constantly strived for perfection like how it was when I was a kid.
I miss seeing people burning with passion, it feels like nobody cares now that I'm grown up.
My parents still argue, it feels like where I used to find passionate people I instead just find people who are in it for the money.
It feels like almost everyone is in it for the money, nobody wants to build a better future when they could just make bank instead.
It feels like there's so many situations where something could be improved easily but it isn't just because of politics or decades old copyright or patent law.
Even if you want to do better, someone's going to hold you back because it could threaten their profits, how are people meant to innovate or express themselves like this?
I don't know what I'm meant to do here, I feel like my fire's still inside me but it's having a lot of trouble getting out onto my hands.
I just wish there was more passion in the world.
Happy new years nerds ~
17/12/2024 - Better Than Wolves
I've been playing with Better Than Wolves today.
It feels like what I want from survival minecraft.
There are a few things I don't like such as your progression being largely gated by RNG and some mobs being reworked to be way deadlier without any visual indication of their new lethality but overall it feels like a good hardcore survival experience.
If you don't know what Better Than Wolves is, it's an ancient minecraft mod which started because the developer at the time was severely disappointed with notch's decision to add wolves into the game and saw it as a waste of potential & development time.
He coded a god damn impressive amount of content in just 24 hours to prove his point and it's a good story in of itself but the Better Than Wolves (BTW) I'm playing today is largely a hardcore survival experience.
The most painful experience earlygame is getting an oven to melt down iron.
First you need clay which is only found in river beds and oceans, from there you need to turn it into bricks, place it into the world and wait for it to dry which can take multiple minecraft days.
During that period if it rains at any point all of your drying progress is reset.
Additionally if an enemy walks over the clay at any point during that process your drying progress is reset.
If you run out of food in the local area and need to move bases then you won't be keeping the clay loaded anymore and it won't be making progress, which means you need to pack it all up and take it with you.
You guesed it, that means your progress resets.
I think clay's drying process is fine by itself, but it's frustrating that it's a core part of early progression in a mod that will try reset all of your progress frequently as you learn.
I don't want to sound entirely negative towards the mod though, like I mentioned earlier it's close to my perfect ideal survival experience.
I'm actually playing like a hunter gatherer, hiding during the night, salvaging whatever I can during the day while I slowly learn tricks to keep myself safe & thriving;
It feels goddamn awesome!!!
I love this mod!! I wish I tried it out during the beta minecraft days when it first came out!
While I'm writing this I do want to mention I want to look into creating a sidebar & finding a better, more readable font to use for this website.
I think a guestbook would be fun to implement too!
In time I suppose, if you know me via discord or something similar then send me an idea if you have one!
27/11/2024 - My Innermost Apocalypse
My Innermost Apocalypse is an absolute banger of a song by Danny Baronowsky from the original Binding of Isaac, but it also relates to what I want to talk about in this log.
I feel perpetually angry, not in a depressing way, moreso I feel an underlying anger at every point in my life.
I'm angry at people talking redundantly, I'm angry at dealing with the consequences of other's bad decisions, I'm angry when I'm in a conversation for too long but more than anything I'm angry when I see something that doesn't reach it's full potential.
I feel that's an entire blog post of it's own but the important part is I have an underlying feeling of anger at every instance of my day.
I don't remember the last time I've truly felt at peace but everyone's got something that keeps them going and for me spite is a powerful motivator.
25/11/2024 - Maiini
I want to take this opportunity also to shout out Maiini, she's legit as hell.
My brain is running on fumes since it's 5:30 in the morning so I'll need to clean this up later, but go check her out!
25/11/2024 - SAO Abridged
Just wanted to say if you haven't watched this yet then you've gotta, it's on youtube and it's golden.
There's too many great lines for me to quote from the show but one which comes to mind is the power of love is bullshit. The power of swords and violence, that’s where it’s at.
21/11/2024 - Summer
Summer down under is a yearly tradition you get used to.
The weather becomes 38 degrees, bugs come out everywhere and best of all it's spider season!
Spiders of all shapes and sizes come out of the dirt and wood work to say hello!
As a kid I was scared as hell of them but that kind of behavior doesn't last long when you're in the country famous for it's spider population, all it takes is a good thong to kill most of them.
And for the huntsmen or spiders with egg sacs on their back? Just spray em, they aren't worth the trouble getting close.
Especially the ones with egg sacs.
19/11/2024 - Programming Part 2
I've made ammends with past me after deciding we both really like trains and milk shakes, past me made a milkshake for future me, thankyou past me.
19/11/2024 - Programming
I hate past me today, past me had the genius idea to write a ui function that would handle every ui interaction mid-combat by itself, so I would never need to use a different function again!
Unfortunately past me didn't consider the concept of making it scalable enough to be used in any possible scenario if the situation, you know, in case I would want to use the function in every ui interaction mid-combat.
Because of that now I'm stuck in a wall where I need to parse important data into another function but I don't have a way to effeciently do it.
I could add an "extra_data" variable to my function, but unfortunately that already exists and the idea of making "extra_data2" is painful to think about since it's simutaniously admitting to my code spaghetti and refusing to make a scalable fix to it.
I wish past me had the fore-sight to prevent this issue, but now I'm stuck to clean up their mess.
I think the comment I left at the top of the file in question says everything I want to express.